“Your stories make you human, and when you dare to show your vulnerabilities, you connect with your audience more deeply.”

“1. Plunge your reader into the action. We live in an impatient world. We’re used to instant gratification.

2. Keep the pace. Want to keep readers engaged after your first paragraph? Focus on the action in each of your following sentences.

3. Create suspense. Cliffhangers hint at what’s coming without giving away the story. This is a powerful way to keep your audience captivated.

4. Ground the reader. Focusing on action doesn’t mean you ignore describing where a story takes place and who it’s about. Without a little context, your story remains vague and you leave readers floating.

5. Make a client your story’s hero. At the heart of a client story is transformation- how a client learns, solves a problem, gains a new perspective or turns a failure into a success story. And by sharing such client success stories, [you turn yourself] into a trusted guide- someone we’d love to learn from.

6. Bring yourself into your story. It’s your stories that set you apart from your peers, it’s your stories that help you connect with your audience and pull them closer to you, and it’s your stories that allow customers to get to know you and trust you.

7. Keep your eyes open for good stories. Good stories are everywhere. You can find them in your neighborhood, during your vacation, in everyday life, in newspapers, on social media.”

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5 Ways to Simplify Complex Ideas (and Communicate with Clarity)


“Let’s not pussyfoot around it.

We all get stuck sometimes. We think we know what to write. But when we open a Word doc, the words don’t flow.

We try to blame it on writer’s block.

Our muse has left us. Today we don’t feel inspired.

But the hard truth is this …

We’re still confused about what we want to communicate. We wrestle with complexity. We don’t know the essence of our unwieldy idea.

Sound familiar?

A few simple principles can help you distill the essence of your message, and communicate with power and clarity.

Want to know how?”

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